Support Team

When it comes to supporting your car, there’s really no room to skimp. That’s one giant lump of metal dangling over your head, the last thing you want to do is cut corners in keeping it there. David Banner turns green and tosses cars out of the way. If your jack slips, you’ll probably just turn green while that incredible hulk of steel does a number on your foot, or worse. When working underneath your car, nothing but a proper jack stand will do the job safely. Concrete blocks, stacks of wood or three wobbly scissors jacks are recipes for disaster. If you’re broke in Cuba, disregard this and continue to stuff anything you can find underneath the chassis while you use a chain link fence, tin cans and a hot dog bun to fix your truck. The rest of us need to do some safety preparation. Before you get under there, be sure you know how to properly support your car News source: Autorepair About