Hail Dings

EL PASO, TX. – One week after severe hailstorms many are still waiting to get dinged and dimpled cars fixed. And there are plenty of places popping up all over town offering to do the job fast and cheap. But are they legit? Bang, Bang, Bang the sounds of hail falling from the sky have been replaced with the sounds of hail damage being repaired — plink, plink, plink.Hank Row’s brand new repair shop on North Mesa near Festival recently sprang up in the wake of the pelting. “We’re a large company — our headquarters is in Dallas — we just go to wherever catastrophic hailstorms occur,” said Hank Row. Having just set up shop in El Paso on Tuesday, they are not alone. Some mobile repair shops like Row’s even have stormtracking software — that can see hailstorms anywhere in the U.S. “Many are great, reputable companies, I always suggest that people check references,” Row adds. He also says whoever fixes your car should be licensed, bonded and insured — like he says he is. “People go to the first auto repair shop they find.” Stephanie Abelleyra from the Better Business Bureau says they’ve not gotten any complaints about those pop-up repair shops — so far. “The problem comes later, 2 or 3 months later and then the company doesn’t want to be responsible.” Abelleyra says the BBB recommends only going to an established body repair shop even if it costs more and takes a little longer. She says consumers should make their own decision — but make sure to be informed when doing so. Speak up, file a complaint, do research and the experience will be a better one. News source: KVIA