Hints From The Crew Chief

Hints From The Crew Chief: IF you use cheap anti freeze be sure to check the strength before installing it have had numerous reports of it being diluted. If you are using a reputable brand no need to worry. That time of year to lube the locks on your vehicle if you have a remote unlock they are rarely used and it is frustrating to find them frozen when the remote dies. Take you rig to a good carwash (going to cost you a few bucks) and have it cleaned mainly the undercarriage road chemicals can do number on your vehicle. Mine always seems to run quieter and better after I do this. Check your tire pressure mine always seem to look fine but upon testing are sometimes as much as 10 lbs down on pressure. I blame this on aluminum rims as the fronts are always lower I assume from the twisting when steering. Check your furnace filter and buy a carbon dioxide tester. I know this is a car site but I think this is important enough to mention. My neighbors who live in a fairly new house recently had their lives saved by a tester.