Cheap AC

Houston is no place to live without air conditioning. When one man’s A/C system took a dive, he was quoted a whopping $1200 to repair it. He was perturbed at the estimate, but University of Houston student Scott Dawson kept his cool. He wasn’t even sure how long he would keep his car, so the thought of paying $1200 wasn’t settling well with him. That’s when Scott shifted into high gear and set out to find a better solution. Instead of seeking an elaborate workaround for the car’s A/C system, he employed the faithful K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) system and drew up a plan for cool air that was a real money saver. Scott bought one of the smallest room air conditioners and mounted it on the roof of his car. He cut a hole in the roof to pipe the cool air right into the cockpit. To power the unit, he used what’s called a voltage inverter (a unit that converts DC power into AC) wired directly to his car battery and plugged the wall unit right in. It worked. Scott now has cool air blowing right on his head while he braves Houston’s high temps in traffic. His fix cost around $400. Sure, it’s not in any way permanent, and I wonder what would happen in a serious rain storm, but you have to applaud his ingenuity. News source: About Auto Repair