Advice On The Net

You can get car auto repair questions answered in many places around the Internet. I myself visit several, when I have time; I also do evaluating for several. There is a ton of bad advice on the net, remember anyone can jump on most sites. That is why GreenFlagAuto has a Pit Crew. They are screened for repair knowledge and most answers I screen or do myself. I think this has prevented many from joining the Pit Crew. We are always looking for more help, if interested send me an E-Mail. I would rather not answer an inquiry than have misinformation on our site.I babysit my grandkids so on some days I have a lot of time and some days I don’t but I try to keep up and keep the site fresh.I know my advice is not always correct but I do my best to be sure it will do no harm to either you or your vehicle.Remember asking a mechanic or tech for advice is like asking which oil is the best you are going to get several different viewpoints.