Burton Wins

Jeff Burton won not by pushing or moving another car out of way but simply being the fastest car with the best game plan. Edwards sat in the pits with an engine that would not start (I would check to see if Harvick didn’t make a late not stop to the garage). This is a multimillion dollar organization and the car won’t start, how in the world are today’s techs supposed to keep a engine running with a tenth of those resources? Jr ends up in the wall, with a blown tire, 1 lap short of a pit stop. Seems to be the story of that team always a little short of where they should be. Jimmy Johnson looked like he had his brakes on the last 10 laps. The COT has a very fine line between going fast or hitting the wall, I think many of the teams are putting too much pressure on the right side tires and are causing many of their own problems but it easy to blame Goodyear. 5 more races in the Chase and it is still anybody’s, Kasey Kahne looked fast towards the end but the cars are just too close to catch another car over a short run.