30K check

A pair of brothers publishes a syndicated column in our local paper on Sunday. Yesterday they wrote about 30K, 60K and 90K service on a new vehicle. Several items were of use to a new owner IE they stated that if can produce a receipt for the parts necessary to do the checkup, you are covered under your warranty. They also quoted the price of a 30 thousand mile check at $300.00 to $600.00. I would like to know what is checked on a car with 30,000 miles that would cost that much. Change the oil check the filters and the fluid levels. Maybe adjust the valves, true on some older rice burners, but is unnecessary on many newer vehicles. Sounds to me like a very expensive oil change. If it was necessary to change the fluid in a variable speed transmission I could justify the cost but these are few and far between.They also discussed Dealers to independent shops. True dealers are more expensive but they may be worth it as they said if you have a problem the independent may only see your model vehicle a couple times a year while the dealership will see numerous ones. As most problems in today’s vehicles’ tend to be the same this could lead to cheaper diagnostic times. I hope that with the downturn in the economy more shops and dealers do not turn into crooks to stay open. We have had 3 service stations close in the last couple of years on the main street by my house. I understand that these repair shops are open to make a profit and my hope is that they can do so and still provide decent service to the motoring public.