DIY Era Over

Is the era of the do it yourself repair over? I don’t think it is over but it is definitely on life support, today’s cars have a number of computers, brakes, Heating AC, body, engine, among others and soon it will take a special tool to replace your wiper blades. The average DIY does not have a lab scope or scanner or several other special tools necessary to do even minor repairs. The auto techs of today need special skills and knowledge never even dreamt of ten years ago and the tool boxes they have cost more than my first house. Ask the management of any auto repair shop if they, not all but a few, have an attitude and are hard to manage and you will get an ear full. The truth is that it is something they have to live with the good ones are hard to come by and have a good reason to be a little cocky and expect a few extra perks. Today’s cars are lasting longer, it is not unusual to see used vehicles with well over a 100K for sale, and a decent used vehicle is becoming harder to find. If you buy one of these it is going to need repairs, there are many vehicles that can still be worked on in the driveway but they are becoming few and far between. Also our nation is getting older and many senior citizens cannot do their own repairs because of health concerns. The second part of the problem is a good repair shop is getting almost impossible to find it almost seems as if they are not ripping off the motoring public they can’t stay in business, and good service is a thing of the past. Many of you are not old enough to remember the Texaco add where 4 guys come out to fill your tank one to put in gas, one to wash the windows, one to air the tires, and one to check under the hood. I worked in a service station in this era and we never provided that kind of service but it was a more then what you see now.I don’t have an answer for this problem, and I don’t see any relief in the future Hybrid cars are going to be hard to find a shop for let alone do any repairs yourself. There is one bright side tire pressure should no longer be a concern as that is the only thing we will be able to do, no I forgot about nitrogen, well wax the car then, no many finishes do not require wax. There has to be some excuse I can use to go hide in the garage or buy a new tool but I don’t know what it is going to be.